Our leaders

Bruno Gryseels

Supporting Services
General Manager: Jean-Christophe Donck
MISSION: to provide optimal support to the departments and governing bodies, to partner constructively with our stakeholders, to contribute to ITM’s scientific excellence and relevance, to safeguard compliance, sustainability and transparency, to promote staff satisfaction and well-being.

Pathogens – Department of Biomedical Sciences
Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Jean-Claude Dujardin
MISSION: to generate, disseminate and apply scientific knowledge on pathogens and vectors of tropical infectious diseases, and to develop tools for their diagnosis, surveillance and control.
• Pathogen diversity, using different ‘omic’ approaches
• Molecular basis of pathogen adaptation and evolution strategies
• Tools for diagnosis, surveillance and control of disease
• Dynamics of pathogen transmission
• Ecological basis for sustainable control or elimination of diseases

Patients – Department of Clinical Sciences
Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Lut Lynen
MISSION: to generate and disseminate clinical knowledge and to improve patient care by research, training and reference services in the field of tropical and global infectious diseases.
• Febrile illnesses in the tropics and in travellers
• Neglected tropical diseases
• Emerging and epidemic infectious diseases
• Tropical bacterial infections
• Antibiotic resistance and stewardship
• Sexually transmitted infections
• HIV & co-infections (tuberculosis, leishmaniasis, hepatitis C)

Populations – Department of Public Health
Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Marianne van der Sande
MISSION: to generate, disseminate and manage scientific knowledge relevant to public health in developing countries through research, postgraduate education and service delivery.
• Evaluation of complex and integrative health interventions
• Evaluate and improve interventions for the control of tropical diseases
• Reproductive health, including HIV
• Non-communicable diseases
• Health policies and health financing
Want to know more
about us?
Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp
Nationalestraat 155, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
www.itg.be - communicatie@itg.be
Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp
Nationalestraat 155, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
www.itg.be - communicatie@itg.be